Saturday, September 19, 2020


 As stated in my previous post, we live in a world where so much of the population puts all its faith in science.  Now, please do not get me wrong, I LOVE science!  My entire life has benefitted GREATLY because of science!  I have grown up able to use medicines and technologies that far surpass any other time in history.   I can have air conditioning AND microwaves because of science!  Who among you don’t love those two technological advances?


Thank you, science!


I am also a woman who had to have two cesarean sections to birth my two boys.  I feel pretty confident that had I been a pioneer woman, I would have seen an early death due to pregnancy.  Thankfully though, I was lucky enough to be born in a time where medicine and technology allowed me to give birth twice without much for pain or cause for emergency! 


Go Team Science ALL THE WAY!


I also love getting my hands on the latest research findings in many scientific spheres.  It fascinates me what we are able to discover about our world, our environment, and even outer space!  Did you know we actually know more about outer space than we do our oceans?  Isn’t that insane?  Insane, but cool?


We live in a truly amazing time!


What does concern me though, is that because we have figured a LOT of things out, we THINK we have EVERYTHING figured out….and unfortunately that just isn’t so.  Especially when it comes to our beginnings.  My next post ENTRY 2, delves into science and how there are some solid trustworthy platforms and other versions of science that are a lot more speculative than concrete.  The problem is, we tend to treat them as concrete findings when they in fact, are not.  I love to read about a new theory – no matter what the subject matter.   They are fun to consider and postulate, but if they are not observable or testable, they remain just that – theories.


As I stated before, it is my opinion that we either put our FAITH in man or in God.  Man screws up, God does not.  To ready ENTRY 2, CLICK HERE.

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